Monday, September 17, 2012

Mon 9/17/12

Beautiful fall day and I'm stuck at work doing nothing meaningful. Again.  But will make some forward steps this evening - leasing a parking space and getting a price on cutting down trees. I'm hoping it's reasonable -- I really want them gone.  Spent the weekend getting nothing substantial done ... Adrian came for part and did help me move a/c to basement & pink chair downstairs.   Now I really need to start moving on the living room & decide what I want to do there.  The desk can kind of morph as it will.  And I definitely need to do some sewing!!!

I also have to figure out a way to keep moving forward and on to NC.  Dawn suggested making list of to-dos. Here's what I've come up with for today ...
  • find out what is required for drivers license.
 Also - I really need to make an appointment with Benefits office re retirement.  I'm thinking of trying for release time to either volunteer at an animal shelter or take a class in writing for children.
  •  appt with Benefits office
  •  check volunteer / writing classes

Thursday, September 13, 2012

this would be a lovely place to come home to ...
Beautiful, pre-fall day today.  Lots of energy to do something fun and creative - not to be at work!  Looking forward to the weekend -- definitely need to get some sewing done.  I feel like I made a dent in organizing last weekend so there is really no excuse.  Well, other than to be outside and enjoy some glorious weather.  Sadly even that will end in a few more weeks.  It's amazing how short the days are getting :(

Monday, September 3, 2012

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible. ~ Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's May already. And cold and wet. Wishing desperately I was in the Smoky Mountains.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Inaugural post

Apr. 23 ~   Have jumped right into the 21st century, about 12 years late.  Writer's block already. hahaha.  Won't push my luck.